Teah turned 6 months last week and had her 6 month well check on Monday. She is weighing 17.2 lbs which puts her in the 75% for weight and 26 in or 68% for height. It's hard to believe but she is 1 lb and 2 inches smaller than I was at her age!
She is definitely teething as you can see in the last picture. She is working on getting her bottom right middle tooth and has been chewing and drooling on everything. She is still working on sitting up. She can roll from her belly to back but not quite the other way around yet. The Dr. says it is probably cause she is on the big side. Mommy says she should enjoy it while it is considered cute to have rolls in your legs and dimples in your bottom.
She is now eating cereal and veggies and definitely has certain preferences. She has decided to refuse a bottle (just like I did at this age) which has put a kink in Mommy's plan to wean from nursing. When are Mommy and Daddy finally going to realize who is "really" in charge?
Overall, things are going well. Teah is a very happy little baby and I'm so happy she is my sister. I know how to make her laugh and that makes me feel pretty special. I don't like when she pulls my hair or nose. I don't get mad, I just yell for help. Life is so much fun with her around. I can hardly remember life without her. Love you T!
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