Since summer has officially begun, we have decided to have "things" to do everyday. Whether it be making a craft, playing a new game, playing outside, going on a field trip to the museum (you get the idea), we are
going to do our best to stay busy. So everyday I get to open my mail and find what is on the agenda for the day. Day 1: Cooking. We made a bunch of muffins to freeze for snacks. And what good chef doesn't have a hat? We had to make one first!

Day 2: Indoor picnic with my favorite friends.

They all especially enjoyed the story I read to them. Here I am showing them the pictures.
OK SUSAN! SO CREATIVE AND FUN! What a great idea! I wish it would have been mine! I wanna do that but our mail would look like this, day 1 drs appt, swim practice, gymnastics, nap, bible school, dinner, bed. There's a lot to be said for "laying low" in the summer! We're not there yet!
Thanks Mandy! I have decided I need to plan fun things so that Tessa and I both don't go crazy. We're not always laying low either. Tessa was in camp all this week. I'm sure it will just get crazier as the kids get older. We aren't where you are yet!
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