This is me saying "Cheese!" (Literally)

Anyone who knows me knows once I find something I like, I must do atleast 50-60 times. This picture was probably taken after about 25 trips up the ramp.

I love fountains!

Taking Baby for a stroller ride

Pop Pop decided to take a rest on MY step
Fun with Addy
Playing a little music with my cousin Addy

Sharing a bite to eat

Building a farm

Oh yes...the fountain was a big hit.
Mesker Park Zoo
Gotta go go go!

As you can tell by my expression, I don't like to be stopped. Did you see the picture above?

Posing with the girls

Up the bridge....down the bridge....

Sure had fun with Mimi and Pop Pop!
I love these pics! She is so stinkin cute and so on the go! I love her cute hair! So sad we missed you!
Her hair is going crazy and I don't know what to do. It is taking over her little head-part of it curly, part straight. And she won't let me put anything in it to keep it back!!!
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