Friday, November 18, 2016

Summer Shananigans

Neighbor Faith's 3rd birthday Elsa party.

Zoo outing with the neighbors.

Movie time!

Sophie's 9th birthday slumber party!

Releasing Ladybugs

Friday, July 15, 2016

Mutts and Mother's Day

Cutie girls.

Cutie Cros.

Cute but mischievous.

Mother's Day Love

And because we can't enough of these little guys....

T's First Fieldtrip

 Teah had her first fieldtrip to the Wildlife Museum and I got to go too!

 Petting a thanks!

 Happy girl.

Best buds.

More April Happenings

Our neighbor Dylan's 4th birthday--complete with a fire engine!

One of our many spring snows. The dogs loved it!

Look what a little creativity and some elbow grease can make!