Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Another Birthday Party Weekend

Our weekend was full of birthday parties. Although I don't think the kids were complaining. 

(Tessa was laughing hysterically while playing saying, "I am so good at this game!")

And party # 2....

Starting to slow down a bit.

The kids had a great day but even they were ready to go home by the end. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Not sure if you can really see it too well but these girlies are spinning.....over and over again. I think they could do it for hours if I let them. To be a kid. :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Road Rash

 Yesterday, Tess was running across the street to a neighbor's house and well.....ate it.
The pictures don't really do it justice but I figured I should probably document it--as  "boo boos" are a big part of life. And actually this is her first really "big" one. (Knocking on wood as I type.)

And because you can typically never find one without the other, I had to get a shot of T as well, per her request. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Spent New Years with some good friends. 

 Let the countdown begin!

 New Years' toast (at 9PM).
 If pictures made noise....

 Silly girls.

Even sillier boys.