Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Loving the Outdoors

 Monday we spent part of the day at a friends' house. They have a few acres and lots of fun outdoor adventures. And although I didn't get many pictures I had to show the two that I got. Here is Teah eating lunch in the tree house!
And a dear that decided to walk by.

So fun. The kids never want to leave when we visit them. Can't say that I blame them.

Fire Fighter Birthday Party

 Last weekend we got to go to a birthday party--at a fire station!

 Lively bunch eh?

 Then we headed back to Aralyn's (the birthday girl) house.
 Where we pretty much didn't leave the swings...

except for cake of course! Happy birthday Aralyn! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Party in the Park

 Last night we went to an outdoor concert with some friends. What better way to wait for it to start than with snacks?
 Holy moly that music is loud!
 Guess who has to follow suit?

 Actually starting to love it!
 You can't see her but Tess is laughing hysterically. They both were dancing and having a great time. Wish I would have gotten more pictures. It is great to see them  not worry about being silly. 
Started to rain so we had to call it a night. Still had a great time.

Swim Gear

Ready to go swimming!

Ballerina's with Ipods

Tessa and her new friend Layla at dance. They both have little sisters in the class before them. This is how they spend the time.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Busy Weekend

 We had an event-filled weekend starting with a friend's surprise party at Tallman Park.

 "Look Mom! We're birds!"
 The concept of pumping your legs finally "clicked". Tess was so excited. She would have swung for hours if we had time.
 But we didn't. We had to head to another party. A neighbor of ours moved to the country a while back and we finally got to check out their new place. The kids were in Heaven. Check it out:

 Daddy's turn!

 Showing her muscles.
 Deep in thought.
"Please Mom. Can we just stay 10 more hours?" We totally wish we could have. We had a blast. Great weekend spent with great people.