Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tee Tee's First Hair Cut

 We finally decided it was time to give Teah's head full of hair a little trim. For the very first haircut---she handled it like a champ.
 This was pretty much her face the entire time. But no crying.
 I promise....I tell her she can smile.
 I think she'd make an excellent poker player with that face--don't you?
 Love the little toes.
 I mean seriously---even a sucker and this was all the emotion shown. (Okay, not really...once we got out of there and into the car she was so excited and kept saying she wanted to go back. Funny kid.)

Monday, May 21, 2012

A little r & r.

Gotta love watching a favorite show with friends.

Birthday Party in the Park

Can't really ask for more than a warm sunny day and lots of room to run.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Circus is in Town

 Today we were able to walk over from a friend's house to see them setting up a circus. 
 We were hoping to see the elephants raise the tent but I guess we were a little to late. Oh well, we still got to see lots of animals.
 1st stop...the mini ponies.
 Whoa..hold on T!
 Yay! Elephants!

Feeding the Ox.

 Can't see him but there was a hippo in this pin. (Yes...a hippo. Not sure. Can't say I've ever heard of a hippo in the circus but why not I guess.)
Okay, enough of the animals. Let's play in the dirt!

We love ourselves some corn...


Great check up---no cavities! Teah gets to go on the next visit!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Yard Work

 We'll just rest a minute on this bag of soil.
 Okay, enough  waiting around. Time to get dirty.
 We sure love helping plant flowers.
What's not to love? We've got dirt, shovels, a ball (?), and bare feet. All that adds up to a lot of fun.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Beyond the Doggy Paddle...

More swimming

Pretty good for a girl who two months ago wouldn't go near a pool without her floaties let alone put her face under the water.
T had to make a little appearance as well. Won't be too long before she starts her own lessons. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Singing in the Rain

We don't get many rainy days around here, so even though it was just a little drizzle, we felt like we needed to get some use out of all our rain gear.

Pondering LIfe

I know...very blurry pics. Had to capture the moment though. Thank goodness for camera phones!

Sleepy Head

One minute Teah was eating a snack on the couch. The next minute she was out for the count.

Just a Swingin'

Bubble Beards