Do you recognize this little face? Mommy took me (Tessa) to the hair salon with her today and the lady asked me if I wanted to try and go straight today. Of course I didn't hesitate cuz I'm always asking Mommy if I can have straight hair like my cousin Addy. Funny how you always want what someone else has.
When Mommy saw me she was so surprised. She said she loved it but loves my curls too. If it were up to me I would wear it like this every day but Mommy said we should compromise and switch back and forth. We'll see.
Speaking of changes...guess who's using the potty?
That's right...Teah! She got some new big girl panties and was so excited that we just decided to give them a try. She hasn't had an accident in three days so I'm thinking she's ready.
My goodness these girls are growing up too quickly.