Sunday, February 26, 2012

Helmet Head

 Teah got her very own helmet this weekend. She's getting better on her tricycle and we figured she needed one.
She was so excited it stayed on most of the weekend. :)

Chef Teah

 T got to help Daddy make waffles this morning with Mommy's new mixer.
Couldn't resist the wedgie shot.


 While Mommy and Daddy were in the kitchen they heard " A one, two, a one two three!" 
They walked over and saw this. Pretty inventive I think.

Birthday Party # 57

 Yep, you guessed it...another birthday party. But this one was a swim party too.

 Just to let you know....I swam the length of the pool without my floaties! (Mommy just didn't get a picture...too busy rooting me on.) I start lessons this week and am so excited that I'm counting the "nigh-nights". Have to keep you posted on that one.
 We sure do love swimming.
 Especially with lots of friends.

Snow Fun

 T decided to get her snow gear on herself and have a little fun. (Gotta love the snow hat and high heels. :)
 Add a coat, mittens, and a change of shoes and she was ready to play....on the back deck.
Mommy may be ready for the snow to be gone but I like it!

Play Time

 This is when we need that Photoshop program where we can cut and paste our heads to different pictures. Never can seem to get a pic where both of us are looking at the same time.

 About as good as it gets.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Love Day

 How cute are these little love bugs?

 Teah's valentines...
 and Tessa's (both courtesy of Family Fun magazine. Gotta love them.

 Tessa told Daddy the other day that she wanted chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day. And guess what....Daddy delivered.

One strawberry.
Thanks Daddy!

Hope everyone's Valentine's Day was as delicious as ours!

Straight hair continued...

 So the day after Tessa's favorite day of her life straight hair day, although her hair wanted so badly to go curly again, it managed to stay somewhat straight for yet another day. Little sis wanted to try it out too so we tried as well as we could to straighten T's hair too.
Who are these little straight haired girls sitting at our front door anyway?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


 Do you recognize this little face? Mommy took me (Tessa) to the hair salon with her today and the lady asked me if I wanted to try and go straight today. Of course I didn't hesitate cuz I'm always asking Mommy if I can have straight hair like my cousin Addy.  Funny how you always want what someone else has.
 When Mommy saw me she was so surprised. She said she loved it but loves my curls too. If it were up to me I would wear it like this every day but Mommy said we should compromise and switch back and forth. We'll see. 
 Speaking of changes...guess who's using the potty?
 That's right...Teah! She got some new big girl panties and was so excited that we just decided to give them a try. She hasn't had an accident in three days so I'm thinking she's ready. 
My goodness these girls are growing up too quickly.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Little Drummer Girl


 Ever wonder if the washing machine eats socks leaving you with a bunch of single mismatched "un-pairs"?
No joke.

Snuggle Time

Aqua Doodle

We love to "paint". Luckily Mommy loves this kind of "paint"too.