So last week I got to go see the Wiggles Live!! (Which if you didn't know is my absolute FAVORITE show/group. Here I am opening my mail after my nap finding out what we were going to do that evening. If you can't tell by the picture that is me yelling WIGGLES!!!!!!

On the way there we got stuck in a major traffic jam and had to run to our seats but luckily we managed to make it just before they came out on stage.

Out they came...in the big red car!!


I couldn't believe I was actually seeing them on stage!

It wouldn't have been a great show if Jeff hadn't fallen asleep. (That's my favorite part.)

"Wake up Jeff!"

And of course Captain Feathersword is always a hoot!

Along with Dorothy and Wags.

Sometimes they came out into the audience too!

Even Teah had fun.

Although she got pretty wiggly towards the end. Good place to be for that I guess! (Sorry about the blurry pic.)

What a fun night! I LOVE those Wiggles!