Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is that a Smile?

There you have it. Teah is finally smiling (although it is kind of hard to catch it on camera). She's been having quite a bit of tummy issues so we are happy to see a sign of some relief. Mommy says she has been needing this more than I'll ever know. Yea Teah!

Always the helpful Big Sis

Teaching Teah how to use her paci
For some reason, she keeps spitting it out. But I am right there to help put it back in.

Already playing dress up.

Sweet Dreams

Little Angel

Fun in the Tub

Bathtime is serious business. This takes lots of concentration.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Little Miss Teah spends quite a bit of time in her carseat since that seems to be the only place she'll sleep (other than in Mommy's arms). Checkout those hands!
Little Miss Tessa decided she would only take a nap if she could be bundled in her winter coat ("Zip it!' as she put it) and hold her plastic hammer. I'm beginning to see some similarities. Can anyone say "strong willed"? The fun never stops around here people.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Who's Who?

People look at the two of us now and can't believe we looked just alike as babies. Mom decided to pull out a few more photos to prove it. One of these pics is me and the other is Teah. Can you guess who's who?

Big Girl

Just making sure Teah's seat is comfy.

Love those Books