Saturday, October 31, 2009

Snow Days

For those of you who aren't aware, we got over a foot of snow this past week. (4 foot drifts due to wind.) Since I really wasn't walking this time last year, this was my first "real" experience with snow. Boy did I love it. Here I am getting all geared up.
Playing in the back yard.

Mom's camera was doing funny things with some of these pictures. It looks like we live in the arctic or something. Either way, here is the snowman we built. It was pretty funny, the dogs barked at it all day and night thinking someone was in our yard. And the carrot nose lasted just about long enough to get these pictures. Silly dogs!

Just adding a bit more snow.

Dad built a giant snow hill from the top of the deck to the ground.


This was day two or three. I'm helping Dad shovel the sidewalks. Got to get ready for those trick or treaters!

Whew! This is hard work!

Love, love, LOVE the snow!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

More Birthdays

Today we got to go to my friend "Joe Joe's" birthday party. It started out with pumpkins,
and hayrides,

some fun picture posing,

and of course we got some yummy treats too! Here I am eating pudding with the boys!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So we just got back from a quick trip to Indiana to celebrate mine and Mimi's birthdays. Although it was quick, we got go the children's museum which is always a blast. Check out some pics of our trip to the museum.
Addy cracks me up!

Whoa horsey!

Playing the invisible harp.

Taking a little break.

Playing in the giant sand...I mean rice box.

Making goo.

Fun after a long day.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Birthday (Month) to Me

So my birthday is coming up. Mom and Dad can't believe I'm going to be 2! Check out my birthday party here in Colorado with all my bestest buddies!
Here's some of the gang eating my!

Not so sure about everyone singing to me.

Mom helping me blow out my candle. As you can see I was going to try another method.

Yummy candle!

And the cupcake wasn't so bad either.

Maybe I could use a little help.

All I really wanted was the icing on top. (Doesn't everybody?)

Present time!

Complete with dress up (love my magic wand)...

stuffed buddies and babies....

and all kinds of other goodies! Thanks everybody for making my birthday so special!

Another birthday down (well, almost). Can't wait til' next year!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Big Girl Room

Here are some awaited pics of my new room.
I'm still in my crib. Mom said she isn't quite ready to convert it to a toddler bed yet. She figures I will probably decide that one as well. Isn't that how it always works?

These drawers are always open. They are my "jammy" drawers that I am constantly taking my pjs out and laying them in neat piles on the floor. Who said my room needs to stay clean?

Wall of pics...crazy how much I've grown huh?

And of course, what room would be complete without a dress-up corner?

Ooh la la!

Work it girl!

Love the Park

Loving slides these days.
But not as much as the swings!

Slow down pigeon!

Drinking from a water bottle (or at least trying to. "I do it!" is one of favorites lately.)

Here ducky ducky! (If it wasn't for Daddy sitting right there, I would have gotten right in with them. We don't seem to have much fear these days.)