4 month update....
I went to the doctor for my four month appointment yesterday (even though I'm 4 and a half months now). I now weigh 15 pounds 13 ounces which puts me in the 80th percentile for weight. I am also 25 and a half inches long which puts me in the 79th percentile for height. No wonder I keep growing out of my clothes so fast! I am now rolling from my belly to my back all the time. I am still working on the other way around. I know it will be soon though because I have been trying very hard. I also grab my feet and play with them. I am now staying home with dad for part of the week and then mom the other part. (Daycare wasn't quite working out.) I was being difficult for dad and not taking a bottle. But he was very patient with me and now I love it. I also got to eat rice cereal for the very first time. It actually wasn't that bad. I'm not sure how much actually made it in my mouth but still....I tried.